Monday, April 8, 2024

Team 2 Day 3 2024

The organization here (that run the orphanage) have a men's and a woman's home (they are separate) where they help them clean up and rebuild their lives (often times so that they can be reunite with their children).
This morning a couple of our men had an opportunity to visit the men's home and speak to the them. It's always inspiring when one person can speak to another about where they've been and the hope that is possible.

 Last week's team began painting Casa Cuna (the home for children under 5) and this week our team continued the project. 

We had both metal paint and water based paint. Kim was a trooper painting the metal bars (that paint is very sticky and does not come off easily)

You can see that we had built a barrier (right side of photo) to keep the kids out of the paint area in case they came out to play.

When you're painting up high, your calves get a great workout especially when you're up on your tippy toes.

Andy was able to tape a paint brush to the end of a broom handle to get up to where he needed to paint.
He wasn't too excited about the 3 bees nests that we needed to scrape down to paint. Bees, the hot sun and the potential of falling off the roof were all part of today's adventure.

We had good music and many hours working on our tans in the heat. It was amazing the amount of work that was accomplished in just a few hours.

After the work was done, there was plenty of time to hold babies, blow bubbles, balance balloons on fly swatters, dance, and hide under a parachute. Kids just wanna play and be loved and our team wanted the same thing, so it worked out to be an awesome day.

We finished the evening by hearing from a married couple that work in one of the orphanages. We learned how Raquel came here from Peru (only for a year as a missionary), how she fell in love with a man from the orphanage (the Pastors son, Pablo) and how God has worked in their lives here for almost 2 decades.
It's so inspiring to hear the things that the leaders and houseparents go through and to hear of the success stories of the children here.

It's very obvious that God is alive and well and working in every part of the world, especially here.

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