Friday, March 7, 2014

A prayer for our trip

Tomorrow we sleep in Mexico!  Hooray!

As we complete our final preparations, say hasta luego to our families, and set off for our week of service please join with us in prayer inspired by Ezra 8:21, 23:
I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before our God.  We prayed that he would give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled... and he heard our prayer.
Lord, we're taking a journey tomorrow that is all for you and for your glory.  We are excited and we are nervous.  We are prepared and we feel so unready.  We know that almost nothing about this trip is in our control.  And we know that you control all things, all powers, all of nature, all circumstances.

So, Lord, as your children and servants we stand before you and ask for your blessing.  Bless this trip!  Make it a powerful tool for your glory.  Let us be your ambassadors and also your students, teaching about you and ready to learn the lessons you have prepared for us.

Give us meaningful physical and relational work to do.  Let each person leave Colima convinced that they had a unique and important role to play this week.  Protect our health, our safety, our logistics- don't let any troubles detract from the week you have prepared for us or from each day's joys and labors.

Bind the group together.  Let us continually support and encourage each other.  Deepen each relationship, especially family relationships.  Give each of us an extra measure of self-control to guard our tongues as we interact, especially when we are hot or tired or uncomfortable.  And give each of us extra grace to quickly forgive when we do or say something rash.

Give us fun times! Give us sweet times! Give us productive times! Give us quiet times to reflect on what you are doing in and through us and to apply those lessons to each day.

We are your grateful children and we ask you to bless us in this special week we have set aside to serve you as we serve the kids and caregivers of Hogar de Amor.

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