CenterPoint Go and Grow: Colima
Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us. ~Ephesians 5:1-2
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Adventure 2025 beginning soon!
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Supporting Hogar de Amor
We are right on the cusp of this year's trip to Colima! This year, in addition to our regular fundraising to support the kids and caregivers of Hogar de Amor, we hope to outfit a whole new home for young men in university and technical programs! This will be a home for men in their late teens and early twenties who are a bit too old to be in a regular orphanage house, but not quite ready to be out on their own yet. It's so special that Hogar de Amor continues to care for every kid in their care through high school, university, and beyond!
If you want to help support the trip and outfit the young men's home, check out
Friday, April 26, 2024
Reflections on serving - Dan Matheney
One problem that I have is that I conform daily to this world. I get up in the same place, I go to the same job, see the same people, I even go to the same church and at some point I’m just going through the motions. I’m like a hamster on the wheel of life, just doing the same thing because that’s what I always do.
Each year I get an opportunity to break out of that cycle by leaving my world and entering into a completely different one. Each year I travel to Mexico to Hogar de Amor Orphanage. While there I do several things that are different. I wake up in an uncomfortable bed (this helps me appreciate my normally comfortable bed). I’m with a team of people that I don’t really know and some that have different values and views on the world than I do. Even though we are different, we work together for a greater good. Each day we have activities with the kids at the orphanage, we work on projects (painting and maintenance to their homes), we sit and talk to each other, the kids and the adult caretakers. Even though the days are long and the work can be hard and hot, there is time to sit and talk.
Relationships are important. Purposefully sitting with someone, talking and laughing changes the way you see the world and the way that you process life.
While I’m there, I get to see some pretty incredible people that have dedicated this part of their life to caring for the uncared for. Each day they put their own selfish desires aside and put the kids first. They cook for them, they clean, they do homework, they sit and talk with them and teach them who God is and how He loves them… They are basically superheroes that are unrecognized by most of society.
I’m always super encouraged by looking at a child’s life and seeing the future that they have when cared for properly. These kids, that had little hope and resources in life, now have the ability and opportunity to be and become what God has called them to be. They are not stuck, they have hope for a future that is grand and full of possibilities.
As we go through our life and do what we do, we slowly become transformed by this world. The question that I’ve found that is important is: Am I being transformed by this world (what the world wants me to do and think) or am I being transformed by the renewing of my mind? Am I able to test and approve what God’s will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will?
Let’s get outside of our small little world, our small little lives, and see a bigger picture that’s not all about just us.
Dan Matheney