- To serve orphans and their caregivers in Mexico
- To grow deeper in our relationships with God, with our church body, our families, and the universal church
- To let our hearts be transformed by the need in our world and teach our children lives of grateful service by example And God really knocked our socks off in all three areas.
For me, I left Mexico with lots of lessons and impressions, but one of the strongest was what a joy it was to contribute to and serve in a place truly focused on the best interests of the kids living there. No child should have to grow up in institutional care – every child deserves a permanent home and a loving family. But if a kid does have to spend time in a group home, Hogar de Amor is the best I can imagine. I’m an adoptive parent – I have 2 children by birth and 2 by adoption – and our family knows firsthand the struggles and damage institutional care introduces into a kid’s life.
The other thing I learned about in a whole new way last week was the unity of the body of Christ. In preparation for this trip, we studied the book of Ephesians. Ephesians talks a lot about unity and in Ephesians 4:1-3, Paul writes:
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
I experienced the unity of the Body of Christ, the Family of Christ in a whole new way in Colima. This isn’t uniformity – God created us unique and loves our uniqueness – but rather unity of heart and purpose, a unity of Spirit. God grew in me a deeper respect and love for his church and a devotion to each member of our team.
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